PEACE INC. has earned a reputation of being a recognized leader in conducting Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments (ESA's). Since 2006, PEACE INC has completed ESA's on industrial, commercial and residential properties including gas stations, apartment buildings, and commercial and industrial business sites.
Environmental Site Assessments (ESA's) are usually a requirement of lending institutions to determine environmental liability associated with a property.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
ESA Phase I are conducted by PEACE Inc. to assist vendors and purchasers with securing financing and conducting property transfers, to assist potential purchasers with identifying possible environmental liabilities and to assist lenders with determining environmental risks. The studies are conducted in either general or specific accordance with CSA Standard Z768-01. Such studies are an investigation that determines the potential for contamination of soil, water, buildings, etc. on a property. The process involves a thorough examination of current and past use of the site as well as surrounding activities. This includes reviewing historical information such as air photos, land titles, and site maps; obtaining government records; an onsite visit; and personal interviews Phase I ESA reports assess the collected information to reconstruct the historical use of the land and to identify known and potential environmental concerns associated with current and previous use of the site and surrounding properties.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
The purpose of the Phase II ESA by PEACE INC. is to evaluate the recognized environmental conditions identified in the Phase I ESA or transaction screen process for the purpose of providing sufficient information regarding the nature and extent of contamination to assist in making informed business decisions about the property. It is accomplished by a sampling and analysis program that may include:
soil drilling and/or test pitting;
geophysical analysis;
surface or groundwater sampling;
indoor/outdoor air sampling; and
testing of building materials (e.g., lead)
Laboratory characterization of soil, groundwater, air and materials is completed in addition to assessment of the physical properties of subsurface environments and contaminants. Chemical constituents are analysed and compared to applicable Provincial and/or Federal Environmental Regulations and Standards. If exceedances are found, zones of contaminated soils or groundwater are delineated and quantified.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA's) provide a systematic approach for identifying the environmental effects of proposed projects. By identifying adverse environmental effects before they occur, EIA's allow decision makers to modify plans so that the effects can be minimized or eliminated. As a planning tool, EIA's have been applied by all levels of government in Canada since the 1960's. Many governments have adapted legislation making it a legal requirement to conduct EIA's for certain projects. Every EIA is undertaken in a thorough manner with consideration given to all affected resources including air quality and noise, socio-economics, fish and wildlife, historical resources, groundwater, and soils and vegetation. Our project team is fully aware of government requirements for conducting environmental impact assessments and is capable of presenting the results of their investigations in a competent, professional manner in written reports and at public hearings and open houses.
Remediation Services
Drawing on our extensive environmental and construction background, PEACE INC.provides a full range of remediation services from site assessments to the development of remediation plans and supervision of remediation projects. We have specific expertise in hydrocarbon remediation. We provide clients with the latest advancements in the area of environmental remediation.
PEACE Environmental © 2016